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Port mapping problems?


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This is the kind of message i get for every torrent i try to start or seed.

[12:11:19] UPnP: Discovered new device:

[12:11:19] UPnP: ERROR 718 mapping port 40001 ->

[12:11:30] Unable to map UPnP Port.

Also, my upload and download speed are slow

The Network Indicator icon is on that yellow warning sign, warning that there may be a problem with my network configuration

The DHT status says it's always 'Waiting to log in'

I'm almost certain that i've forwarded my ports (router & firewall) properly, and I have a static IP.

Is there something i'm missing?

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Some modems have a configuration page, what kind do you have??? If it has an option of bridge or routing mode, copy down your dns settings and change it to bridge. You will then need to enter the dns stuff under your router page. If it does not have a bridge option, then you will need to port forward in the modem as well as the router.

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  • 5 months later...

i have exactly the same problem, it says:

[22:56:24] UPnP: Discovered new device:

[22:56:26] UPnP: ERROR 718 mapping port 7001 ->

i have also a modem and a router (linksys with the old firmware). i heard you talking about a bridge setting but i cant find that one in the router. i can only find a setting that changes the router mode into 'gateway' or 'router', when i put it on 'router' my internet disconnects.

Ports are forwarded upnp is on and forwarded, port triggering is on..

i've tried everything maybe you guys know something.

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