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RSS Downloader - utorrent does not start any favorites


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I found that sometimes generalising a filter makes the Downloader unable to recognize the release. I added a release to the favorites by context menu in the releases tab and the ?-button showed me one matching release. When I erased the date in the title that was included in the filter, so it only showed the show name, the ?-button showed no matching release. This problem apparently occurs only with releases whose titles contain something other than the name. A date or "SDTV" in it makes the Downloader unable to recognize the release when searching for the title only.

Can anybode confirm that problem? I am not sure if this is a bug or a very strange coincidence or if I am just making a stupid mistake.

Another edit:

Using wildcards I was able to include the mentioned shows, it's a workaround.

--- Original post ---


I have a problem with the RSS Downloader. I read the tutorial twice and read every thread containg questions about or problems with the RSS Downloader.

In my case uTorrent does not start any favorite torrents. When clicking them in the release tab, they start, so it is not a problem with the feed.

But the favorites don't work. I even added a favorite with the filter "e" and still the ?-button shows no matches so far. I configured everything as explained in the tutorial. I set a default target folder. It still does not work.

Strangely some days ago it worked with one torrent, but not since then and I did not change anything.

Any idea what's causing the problem? Do you need to see screenshots of my configuration?

Thanks a lot,


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