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Peers and Files tab contents becoming blank


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Over the past week more and more tabs have just been becoming blank in my 1.6 version of the program. Downgrading with an old version I had stored, or reinstalling the current version hasn't helped. I'm running on Windows XP Pro SP2. Today I opened it and not only were my Peers and Files tabs blank, my Torrents list was blank, with no headings to sort by, so I couldn't even see the progress of the torrents I was running, select one to view any other information about it, or be able to stop or start torrents. I had 100 torrents in the list at the time, about 90 of which were finished, and I just was going to keep in the list until I could burn them to disc, so I'd know which ones were done.

Downgrading to 1.4 brought the list of torrents back up, but didn't make the peers or files tabs have any headings or data listed. Oddly though, in torrents with a large number of files, a scroll bar shows up even though there's nothing shown in the window.

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