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web pages timeout on Vista64 RC1 since µTorrent installed


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I have installed µTorrent 1.6 on Vista64 RC1.

Before that worked the web browsers (IE, FFox) fine.

First time i set the connection settings incorrect (too high limits) in µTorrent.

So i could not surf on the web while dowloading with µTorrent (many sites timeouted eg:www.download.com).

That was no wonder, because of the wrong settings.

But i have corrected the settings now (with speed guide), regardless i can reach some sites (not all!) neither

with IE nor with Firefox even if µTorrent doesn't run.(!) The pages are extremely slow and they timeout.

I have a LAN at home with a wired DSL router. Surfing with the other PC at the same time on the same

sites, i have absolutely no problem. I have only problems with Vista, where µTorrent had been installed.

I have already deleted the caches of IE and FFox, it didn't help.

Restart of Vista and the router didn`t help either.

Any idea?

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