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Thank You Dev's For Implementing the Best Feature to Date


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As the Subject line states, I would like to thank both Ludde and the Azureus developers for making "Protocol Encryption" possible, it has been the best feature implemented to date and in my opinion the second is DHT. Because the specs were made in such an open manner ... other torrent clients are now able to also share in an obfuscated mode even the biggest resistor Mainline BT. It was the sharing of ideas that bridged different communities together, and I hope more new innovations are collabrated on like that of PE.

For me this feature has helped greatly. I'm on Rogers and from the date of inception (PE) to now, PE has helped me share more and download more. Everytime I check the Peers tab, I see a whole slew of Encrypted communications with other peers ... it is good to see this feature has helped sooo many in need. This feature has stopped working for some ... but I suspect most of them are either through a bad setup of uT, or there ISP is limiting there Connections. Alas PE is still working and helping thousands of people like me, so again thank you Ludde and the Azureus Developers for coming together and helping the whole Community when Mainline BT took a step back.

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