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Problem with Port conntecting PLEASE HELP!


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I was trying to open up a port, and went through all the steps, when i selected Utor1 and enable it, it brings up a little window with OK / CANCEL button When i click OK i dont see my Utorr1 on the list but when i click Cancel it shows up. How can i fix this problem. thanks hope to resolve this soon.


SAME thing. You have a router built into the modem. Check the manual or portforward.com or something. We can't possibly handle all router-specific, non-µTorrent issue here. And from what I can see, that doesn't even appear to be a problem, the configuration page is asking you a question, and you're answering it with a yes or no. When you say yes, one thing happens, and when you say no, the opposite happens -- perfectly normal sounding.


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