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Help Needed!!!


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HI mates.I have downloaded U Torrent 1.6.I am downloading an DVD its about 1.36 GB.My downloading speed has been varying from 0.9 and highest to 10kB/s whereas its constant for sometime at 3 or 4 kB/s.And when i download anything from Morpheus or Limewire my downloading speed is about 29 kB/s.So could you please tell me whats the problem and how should i sort it out.Because it may take many days to download the DVD.So could you reply as soon as you can.Hope to hear from you soon.Thanks in advance.

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Just a quick heads up: you're about to be told by a large number of people to read Ultima's sticky at the top of this forum ("If you have speed problems, read this before posting") and then this topic will likely be closed. I'd suggest you read the aforementioned sticky, do everything it says, and then if that doesn't work, post again, but include as much information as possible. Frankly, from what you've told us, the problem could lie anywhere... just 'slow' doesn't really help at all. Go through the guide, see how that helps. Good luck!

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