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Trouble after moving behind a netgear router


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Hi all,

first of all some hardware data:


Cable, ISP chello in Austria, everything except utorrent works satisfactorily. uTorrent status is green. Utorrent version 1.6.1


netgear WGT624 Firmware version3, The speed test gives 765/451. The port forwarding test claims that my port 18695 on is the IP provided by my ISP) can not be forwarded.

Since I upgraded to Vista and access the inet via a router(happened on the same day) my utorrent speeds have been very bad. IMHO opinion the problem should be mainly caused by the port forwarding not working. Somebody on another forum mentioned that he had experienced problems when switching from Win XP to Vista and had solved them by setting net.bind_ip to his ip. I tried using which is my static Ip for connecting to the router but it did not change anything which leads me to believe in the port forwarding problem. So I changed net.bind_ip back to the empty default value.

Here's what I did on the router:

Under Port forwarding I added a new service named Utor. Service Type: TCP/UDP, starting port: my utorrent incoming port, ending port: the same, Ip of server: static ip). Still the test claims my port can not be forwarded on should be the external ip of my router)

Reboot eveything.

Any help will be very much appreciated.



edit. I also changed the DHCP range of my router to start at so my static ip is out of it but still no change in speeds.

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