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Reinstalled Windows; need to edit resume.dat to resume torrents


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I just had to reinstall Windows and thus erase my old user account.

I saved all my uTorrent files and now I wanted to resume seeding the torrents I had.

I tried to manually mod the resume.dat file, then it said that "it automatically recovered it" from resume.dat.old.

How do I get to modify the username in the path to the torrents?

Thank you in advance.

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You need a utility that can properly bdecode the file, allow you to edit it, and then re-bencode it. I'm not sure if µTorrent will yell about a manually-altered resume.dat, though, since it seems to perform some kind of hash checking on it to detect corruption (I think).

The only other way would be to manually edit the paths using a hex editor, but then you need to have knowledge about how bencoding works. It's rather simple, but you need to be careful about the byte string lengths. Lookie at how bencoding works.

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I'm thinking that since bencoding counts how many bytes are in a data field, and you changed the length of the data without changing the byte count, it probably totally fucked the decoding mechanism and uTorrent just detected that a field or two (hundred) were missing from the decoded result. So I'm optimistically guessing that you should just be able to decode, edit, and re-encode the file :P

That is, if what Ultima says is true :P

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