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portforward problem


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hello anybody,

right lets get down the my problem.....i have two xp pro computers connected to a linksys WAG54GS and i have opened the ports i want to use but on one computer utorrent is fine and has a tick to say all okay...the other computer says no incoming connections using a different port number...so i thought right i swap the number over with the other computer as i know that port works..guess what still says the same on the computer but the one i swapped with i get a tick so i know both the ports are working but it seems this other computer is not liking something..i have disabled all firewall's still nothing has anybody had this problem?

Cheers for any help



both have been setup like you said and i am using zonealarm on both computers...when i go onto grc.com to check my ports i get this message (Your Internet connection has no Reverse DNS) could that be a problem?



i have already done that and disabled the xp firewall and still i get the same errors no connections and (Your Internet connection has no Reverse DNS) when checking on grc.com



What are the last 2 octets for your IP address shown when testing at utorrent.com's port checker? (Last octets being y.y in an IP address formatted as x.x.y.y)

Just to be sure, what did you set your static IPs up to be for each computer?


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