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NAT ERROR that won't go away (i've checked everything i can think of)


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My old router WRT54GS had some major issues with stability so i got another router a Watchguard Soho 6 TC. This router is by some people a corporate firewall and supposed to have excellent performance. I've upgraded my Soho to the latest available firmware.

On the router side i've sent up a rule:

Incoming 45999 (tcp & udp) ->

On my computer:


Service: Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): Disabled and turned off

Inside uTorrent:

uPNP support disabled (since my router doesn't support it)

And i've set it up to listen to port 45999.

The thing is that uTorrent is working. But I keep getting this NAT error all the time. I haven't really noticed any performance issues. When I seed it can easily max my output (100kb/s).

What gives? I think i've looked and tried everything but maybe there's something i've over looked? BTW, when i used my WRT54GS router before i was using uPNP and everything worked great with no NAT errors.

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That router sports dynamic stateful packet inspection and I know that can be troublesome for p2p apps. While every home router also claims the same thing, I believe yours is the real deal. Your Watchdog was built with security in mind, my guess is that it is not playing nice with the multiple connections that p2p requires.

Your best bet is to find a specific setting in your router which will let uTorrent breathe. Can you turn SPI off, for example? For testing sakes you could put your in the DMZ... but that defeats the purpose of having beefed up security your router provides.

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Thank you for the tip. I can't find that particular setting anywhere. But i'll see if I can google for that tip. Maybe i'm just overlooking things here. Else i'll just have to live with the nat error message i suppose, because i can't really notice any performance issue, like the faq would suggest.

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