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Port not forwarding on gateway2701HGV-W modem


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I have a 2 wire Gateway 2701HGV-W adsl modem and I need help with configuring the port so that uTorrent port will open. Can anyone help please? I previously was using a siemens speedstream modem with no problems until the modem crashed and I installed this gateway modem. I have tried everything sugested and still no luck. Thanks.

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I have tried checking port forwarding and all I get is error port not forwarded. I ran through portforward.com but could not find my modem there and the information did notcome up the same as the sites on static port forwarding. I tried to do a static setup but it still did not work. I had no problems until I changed to this gateway modem and upgraded uTorrent to the latest version. If anyone can give me help I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,


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