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Help me out with this...


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Today I removed NAV because it was killing my memory and installed another antivirus. I enabled the windows firewall and added an exception for uTorrent. All my ports are forwarded correct and I have all my settings set the same as they have been. But my speeds have been slowly declining.

I tried testing a torrent from OpenOffice.org and it ran amazingly fast. You said, that the problems you're experiencing likely lie only with the swarm if this happens.

Could you offer me any words of wisdom, let me know what/why this happens? Im not quite sure I understand the whole swarm thing.

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Some swarms have peers that have very fast connections and have upload slots to spare for you. The OO.o torrents fit that description. Other torrents might have swarms with very slow peers and/or peers with no free upload slots, in which case you're not going to be transferring very quickly from them.

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