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I can't submit a good torrent.


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:( Yesterday I have created a torrent with:





Then, I have waited during 9 hours will create the torrent in progress (the seed number is always "0(0)" and the peer number is "0(1)") and submited "YouTube Video Downloader (Two Best Programs).exe.torrent" in www.mininova.org, but it's already killed without that it's my default (It's not downloadable).

And then, I have listening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVq2GkzNrY8&feature=related, but it looks like he is not work in my uTorrent (it's the video about "How To Create A Torrent" the most popular of YouTube: 56978 views !)

Please, it's possible to do better than that ?

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