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Trouble with Router: Teledat Router 631


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utorrent says that it is being blocked by my firewall and/or router. I have checked my firewall several times now and have made sure that it is not teh problem. uttorrent ran normally with a download speed of +/- 150 kB/s until a few days ago. Now it consistantly has download speeds of near zero. I've already tried to reconfigure the ports, and have also attempted the same download using Bittorrent 6.0.3. As far as I know the router is the only possible problem left. Unfortunately I can not find a troubleshooter for the Teledat 631 nor for any teledat.

How can I fix this problem?

Any suggestions of possible sources besides the router.

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http://www.amazon.de/Teledat-Router-DSL-Router-4-Port-Switch/dp/B00070G7PA/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_1 on the bottom, search for "Variante von Modell P650H-E17 der Firma Zyxel" which means, that this Telecom router (Germany) is near equal to this one http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/ZyXEL/Prestige650H/Utorrent.htm so you can follow that guide.

Googlin for "unknown" routers can help :)

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