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downloads stopping

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I haven't had time to browse the existing posts so I apologize if this is redundant.

I am having a problem with 1.7.7 on XP Pro whereby all the torrents stop downloading. I've left this for hours and found that they don't pick up. When it happens, the only fix seems to be to close utorrent and restart it.

The only thing I've observed is that this seems to happen during times when my DSL connection seems unstable (ie. I start dropping pings - I monitor the line from another computer). At some point during these times, utorrent stops all uploads and downloads and never resumes them when the connection is stabilized.

The GUI does not change. It indicates that downloads should be running, that is, they are not listed as stopped or paused.


FYI, Bell/Sympatico is known to throttle BitTorrent. Make sure you aren't overloading your connection either -- check the first link in my signature.


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