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Miscellaneous Router seetings and what they do.


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I use a Linksys WRT54G v8.2 with the latest firmware. I am wondering if tweaking any of the settings I haven't read about in the guides can help with my upload speed. I'll make a list and any input would be appreciated.

1) Advanced router settings:

Select set number 1() etc

destination LAN ip

2) VPN:

PSec Passthrough: Enable Disable

PPTP Passthrough: Enable Disable

L2TP Passthrough: Enable Disable

3) Internet access policy


4) Port triggering


QoS (QoS and TCP/IP v6 are disabled in my network properties in Vista)

5) Access server is HTTP and not HTTPS

6) Remote router access

Undefined is disabled

7) Log is disabled

OK, that's all the settings I'm not sure about.

Thanks for any input.

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