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ATT u-verse problem resolved


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Well, I don't know if it was a ATT problem., but heres my story....

I came home from work one day to find out my wife had fired Comcast as our Internet provider. My download speeds were fair to good depending. Comcast was definitely "traffic shaping". I went several weeks without an Internet connect and finally ended up with this ATT u-verse package. The first thing I noticed was the picture quality of my TV is awesome.

When I did finally get an Internet connection established I was prompted to upgrade utorrent to 1.8.1. Which is what I did. However, I could not download anything and my Battlefield 2142 was having connection problems. I did all this Port forwarding for both BF2142 and utorrent to no avail. I have the Comcast provided McAfee firewall. I gave Utorrent full access and forwarded both TCP and UDP for the selected port. I do not have randomize port selected. I have the ATT(2wire) 3800HGV-B. I forwarded ports for both BF2142 and utorrent. through the router firewall. Still no good. The router does give me the option to select programs that will be hosted from my computer. This will give these programs a "pass" through the router fire wall. BF2142=BINGO / utorrent=DOA. I'm using speed guides, tweaks, patches and uninstall/reinstall utorrent. Nothing works. Finally, I uninstalled utorrent and also went to Documents and Settings>Username>Application Data and deleted the utorrent folder before I reinstalled utorrent. Now I'm connecting, but I have a red network light at the bottom. I fiddle some more... I go back to my router and deselect utorrent as a hosted application. I go to forward the port again and realize that somewhere along the line I have the wrong port forwarded in the router. I correct the port number and set utorrent as hosted application again and BINGO. I am getting insane download speeds. Seriously! Better than I could have hoped for.

I know that my little story lacks details and specifics. Let me know if you have any questions and I will be glad to help.

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A happy ending (see issues below). After trying everything but a static IP, I ran cmd /k ipconfig. It gave me my IP address. Gues what? It didn't match what I had opened the port for uTorrent on. After looking through my list of computer names, I found I had 2 named the same. I configured the right one with my hosted app and voila!-green icon that stays green, d/l speeds over 300 kB/s, peers galore. When you've checked everything else, check this.

I also have AT&T U-verse. Everything was fine (using AT&T version of Norton) until I had to reinstall XP. Some AV that I could never figure out was installed. I couldn't get uTorrent to work, uninstalled the AV and went to put Norton back on. Surprise! AT&T is using McAfees. Well, at least I can configure it. However, nothing works to keep my green icon green. I have changed the ports, allowed uTorrent to be a hosted app, killed Stealth mode, etc on the 2Wire. I have killed the McAfees firewall, made sure I have an exception for Windows firewall, made sure I have the correct ports, etc. What I get is a green icon, some speeds that get to 60-70kB/sec (i was getting 150-170 before), slowly the speeds decrease and the icon goes to yellow. A couple of times, the icon went red and my speed increased!

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