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Resizing main window


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I use utorrent with main window split on upper list of torrents and down with SPEED diagram. Usualy I look what FILES are downloaded and then I resize main window all way down (to max of screen). One thing mess me up. Why is upper part of main window (list of torrents) resized and not lower (although I have only 5-6 torrent in list and nothing else, so empty space on screen have no meaning?

Can anybody fix this in this allready perfect program.... (I am so glad something like this exist and admire the way they put so much things in so small code - bravo).

Sorry for bad english...

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I tried F5 but this do just oposite of what I need... Hide SPEED diagram and left white empty space. To me its have no sense display empty list (in upper half of window) and more importand thing (if in lower half you display FILES) you left tiny.

Let try this... Open 6 torrent in upper half of window and about same size SPEED diagram in lower....Then reduse size of window (lower right corner move up...) At about 2 torrent left in upper list its freeze and you can resize only lower half practicaly to the zero. It is just a way I need all the time (to resize lower half and freez upper)...

Why its possible to work like that in this case and usually not...

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