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Trouble Uploading to Private Tracker


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Hello, I'm a big fan of uTorrent, but have recently encoutered a frustrating head-scratcher. Hoping someone can help me out here.

I am running the latest version of uTorrent (1.8.2) on a PC running Vista (32 bt), with a DSL connection running with a Linksys Wireless G-Rounter (WRT54G2) and Symantic as my firewall/virus protection.

Whether downloading from public or private trackers, I've encounterd absolutely no problems; the client is fantastic.

I have also uploaded numerous times to publlic trackers with NO problems. Uploads and seeds perfectly.

Recently I was invited to a private tracker, and was able to download a torrent off the tracker with no problem (green arrows all around, leeched and seeded prefectly). On this same tracker, I have attempted to upload a torrent several times; each time, the torrent says it's seeding, BUT the red arrow displays and at the page bottom, I have an error message reading "tracker sending invalid data " (that's it, nothing else specified)

I spoke with the persons running the site, and wound up uploading the torrent to a public tracker; the admin of the private site downloaded from the public tracker and uploaded the torrent to the private tracker with no problem...he also uses uTorrent.

I have turned DHT on and off, I have tried seeding immediately, then turning off that option and downloading the torrent from the site to seed, checked and unchecked 'private torrent'. I've checked my Symantec firewall, and the world is wide open for uTorrent; the Windows firewall is turned off. Ran a port check and that's a-ok too. I'm not sure what else to try, or what may need to be altered or changed in the configuration.

I've run through several sites, incluidng this one, and can't seem to figure my problem. Obviously the program is running correctly, but so is the tracker (no one else has encountered my problem). I am wondering if there is an unchecked box or similar that I'm missing that is fostering the problem; the difference between uploading to a private or public tracker. After two weeks of research and Q&A with others, I would really appreciate any help.

Thank you

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