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Utorrent qui se crach suite


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Process PID CPU Description Company Name

System Idle Process 0 93.54

Interrupts n/a Hardware Interrupts

DPCs n/a 1.55 Deferred Procedure Calls

System 4 0.77

smss.exe 508

csrss.exe 576

wininit.exe 628

services.exe 676

svchost.exe 900

ehmsas.exe 4576 Media Center Media Status Aggregator Service Microsoft Corporation

mobsync.exe 5628 Microsoft Sync Center Microsoft Corporation

FlashUtil10a.exe 12448 Adobe Flash Player Helper 10.0 r12 Adobe Systems, Inc.

svchost.exe 960

svchost.exe 1004

Ati2evxx.exe 1100

Ati2evxx.exe 1572

svchost.exe 1120

audiodg.exe 1284

svchost.exe 1152

WUDFHost.exe 2492

dwm.exe 876 1.55 Gestionnaire de fenêtres du Bureau Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 1168

taskeng.exe 1392

taskeng.exe 3892 Moteur du Planificateur de tâches Microsoft Corporation

taskeng.exe 6956

taskeng.exe 10988

SLsvc.exe 1316

svchost.exe 1348

svchost.exe 1496

spoolsv.exe 1716

svchost.exe 1744

CLMSServer.exe 388

MemCheck.exe 520

eDSService.exe 500

fsgk32st.exe 1800

fsgk32.exe 1996

fssm32.exe 3268

FSMA32.EXE 2024

FSMB32.EXE 2076

FCH32.EXE 2548

FAMEH32.EXE 2828

fsqh.exe 2856

fsav32.exe 3592

svchost.exe 1440

LSSrvc.exe 1064

PIFSvc.exe 2104

svchost.exe 2124

AluSchedulerSvc.exe 2156

svchost.exe 2184

svchost.exe 2204

RichVideo.exe 2232

svchost.exe 2272

svchost.exe 2328

SearchIndexer.exe 2436

eRecoveryService.exe 2564

fsaua.exe 3412

fsorsp.exe 3456

fsdfwd.exe 3468

alg.exe 3480

wmpnetwk.exe 4524

lsass.exe 692

lsm.exe 700

csrss.exe 640

winlogon.exe 768

fsus.exe 3728

explorer.exe 1224 Explorateur Windows Microsoft Corporation

MSASCui.exe 1416 Windows Defender User Interface Microsoft Corporation

RtHDVCpl.exe 4032 HD Audio Control Panel Realtek Semiconductor

SysMonitor.exe 1244

eDSloader.exe 1108 eDataSecurity System Loader( Load and prepare enviroment ) HiTRUST

hpwuSchd2.exe 2796 Hewlett-Packard Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard Co.

PIFSvc.exe 4156 LiveUpdate Notice Service Symantec Corporation

FSM32.EXE 4168 F-Secure Settings and Statistics F-Secure Corporation

fsguidll.exe 5472 F-Secure GUI component F-Secure Corporation

scanwizard.exe 7356 FSAV FSM AV UI F-Secure Corporation

wmpnscfg.exe 4232 Application de configuration du service Partage réseau du Lecteur Windows Media Microsoft Corporation

jusched.exe 4248 Java Platform SE binary Sun Microsystems, Inc.

FixCamera.exe 4268 CameraFixer MFC Application

tsnp2std.exe 4276 tsnp2std Microsoft

qsb.exe 4284 Quick Search Box Google Inc.

sidebar.exe 4292 Volet Windows Microsoft Corporation

sidebar.exe 5164 Volet Windows Microsoft Corporation

ehtray.exe 4312 Media Center Tray Applet Microsoft Corporation

miucg.exe 4328 1.55

GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe 4336 GoogleToolbarNotifier Google Inc.

PCMMediaSharing.exe 4372

9widget.exe 2408 Widget neufbox SFR

notepad.exe 9784 Bloc-notes Microsoft Corporation

conime.exe 4944 Console IME Microsoft Corporation

conime.exe 4956 Console IME Microsoft Corporation

eRAgent.exe 5484 eRecovery agent Acer Inc.

conime.exe 4716 Console IME Microsoft Corporation

conime.exe 6120 Console IME Microsoft Corporation

conime.exe 2420 Console IME Microsoft Corporation

ieuser.exe 12072 Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation

iexplore.exe 14148 Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation

GoogleToolbarUser.exe 6192

procexp.exe 6848 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

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