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Help with peer-to-peer proxying


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I am using OpenVPN to connect to my proxy on port 1080. When I setup uTorrent to use the proxy, everything seems to work fine, but I noticed that when I close OpenVPN the file transfers don't drop to 0. I *do* immediately get errors when trying to update with trackers - but why do the file transfers continue? I thought the whole point of checking the "use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections" box was that all file transfers went through the proxy and not my regular internet connection. Does uTorrent "default" back to using the non-proxy internet connection for peer transfers when the proxy stops working? Is there a way to test if all peer transfers are actually routed through the proxy?


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Downloaded the app, and it seems like half of my uTorrent connections are to the proxy server and half (or more) are directly to peers.

I guess my question is...is this right? What is the supposed function of the "use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections" option?

It is clear the uTorrent is sending all the tracker requests through the proxy, but it seems like att the peer requests are direct. Is that the point? Do I need to run a full VPN connection to get complete protection?


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When you say "by default" does that mean there is a setting somewhere to force uTorrent to send all peer requests through the proxy? Is that even possible? If I run a full VPN connection, won't all the peers simply see me as the VPN IP address? How is that not full protection?

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Ok, so VPN is secure until the VPN drops when you;re not looking and exposes you.

But the main point is that I ALREADY checked the "use proxy server for p2p connections" box and yet it isn't happening.

I have found a few reports that under Vista, uTorrent has a habit of "ignoring" the proxy settings whenever a new version is installed. The "solution" is to delete the settings.dat files and re-enter the proxy info. This worked for me, as all the p2p connections showed only the proxy server address in TCPView....FOR A WHILE. After about 10-15 minutes, uTorrent stopped going to the proxy and just started using direct p2p connections for no apparent reason.

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