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Repeating keys in JSON text (Web UI)


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When a getfiles command is sent to the WebUI URL with multiple hashes, the JSON text returned contains multiple keys named "files". Shouldn't it be an array instead?

The same is the case with getprops.

Here is a sample output to explain

{"build":15772,"props": [{"hash": "3062D73BFF931E1E7674C441F6D35E98A591BB25"
,"trackers": "http://www.blahblahblah.com/announce\\r\\n"
,"ulrate": 0
,"dlrate": 0
,"superseed": 0
,"dht": -1
,"pex": -1
,"seed_override": 0
,"seed_ratio": 1500
,"seed_time": 0
,"ulslots": 0
,"props": [{"hash": "43E2DFC8279552543DABDAKD5FCCEA2539C81C1F"
,"trackers": "http://www.blahblahblah.com/announce\\r\\n"
,"ulrate": 0
,"dlrate": 0
,"superseed": 0
,"dht": -1
,"pex": -1
,"seed_override": 0
,"seed_ratio": 1500
,"seed_time": 0
,"ulslots": 0

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