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Upload percent does not change


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I'm uploading to a guy using Bitcomet/0101.

The speed is about 2 MB/sec, and the '%' does not change at all!

If I exit utorrent, and start it again, and after it connects to the same peer the '%' is changed to its real value (I think), but after that it does not change again till I exit/restart :(

And something else:

Today a strange window was waiting for me: utorrent is freeware...If you paid for it..... etc etc etc.

WTF is this?

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WTF is this -> everyone got that, it's one of those timed window things. I think it freaked a lot of people out. :P

Percent problem -> Seems to be a pretty big problem - there are other topics (not properly titled, so hard to find) that report the same problem. It is uploading, it's just that it apparently never updates the percentage, or if it does, it does so very rarely. It would be nice if it updated that more often so initial seeds can know how far along their uploading has gotten...

So, yeah, this could probably stand to be fixed. :lol:

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