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Download resuming Mac


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Hi there; reposting on mac forum, apologies to irate windows users unecessarily subjected to irrelevant post - I hope I didnt slow down your day too much.

I'm new to utorrent and am getting a problem when downloading... each time I quit then restart the app, it starts downloading again from zero% rather than resuming.

For instance at present I'm getting a reading in the info panel saying I've downloaded 2.1 GB of 6.9 (which as of yesterday was registering 28% in the progress bar - where it says size-done-ETA). When I launched the app today I got a red bar with the error that I was missing info and needed to recheck. I clicked force recheck and the torrent restarted, but from zero.

I'm on version (Mac)

Any advice would be most appreciated!

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Thanks Pete; actually I just did upgrade to 092, but the problem persists. Some more info on the issue - on restart of the machine, when I open UT I get a red "x" next tpo the filename (where the blue arrow usually is) and the following message: "error - info missing from file. Please recheck". Then when I right click and do a force recheck, it jumps back to zero percent, effectively erasing the previously downloaded portion of the file. However in the info window it tells me (under "transferred") that I've downloaded (in this instance) 2.3 of 6.9GB.

It seems like the prefs or cache of what has been downloaded is not being saved properly (although if I just stop, quit and reopen it starts again from where it left off, the problem only seems to come after restarting the computer). Or maybe its specific to this file...

Any suggestions most welcome!


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Yes, I got the red x when I upgraded too, but I had shifted the file out of download and then put it back in when I'd upgraded okay. uT gives out a 'files been moved' message in the console logs, and it seems to corrupt the statistical data associated with that file. It started again okay, for me, but I left it finishing a download overnight. I found I'd been seeding at maximum UL rate for 5 hours after the download had completed, because I was asleep and it seemed to have trashed my seeding preferences of 1.5 ratio as well. But I think you may get some odd things like this happen when you swap uT versions with uncompleted file transfers. Mine's worked fine, apart from the problems I've logged here, since.


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