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uTorrent 0.9.2 - Counting Seeding Preference in window frame @ 97% DL


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uTorrent 0.9.2 - Counting Seeding Preference in window frame @ 97% DL , Mac OS X 10.5.8

I'm 97% through a 1.8GB file transfer and the seeding preferences in my window frame are continually counting up, so the tracker is keeping me in UL mode predominately, even though my seeding ratio is 1.5:1 - it just keeps counting up >5.0:1. I took a sample in the activity monitor of what uTorrent was, is, doing:

Sampling process 273 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples

Sampling completed, processing symbols...

Analysis of sampling uTorrent (pid 273) every 1 millisecond

Call graph:

1602 Thread_2507

1602 start

1602 NSApplicationMain

1602 -[NSApplication run]

1602 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]

1602 _DPSNextEvent

1602 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode

1602 ReceiveNextEventCommon

1602 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode

1602 CFRunLoopRunInMode

1602 CFRunLoopRunSpecific

1566 mach_msg

1566 mach_msg_trap

1566 mach_msg_trap

20 __NSFireTimer

17 -[DetailsController updateUI]

9 -[NSView displayIfNeeded]

9 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:]

8 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

8 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

7 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

4 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

3 -[NSBezierPath(Additions) linearGradientFillWithStartColor:endColor:]

3 -[NSBezierPath(Additions) customVerticalFillWithCallbacks:firstColor:secondColor:]

2 CGContextDrawShading

2 ripc_DrawShading

1 ripc_AcquireFunction

1 CGColorTransformConvertColorFloatComponents

1 CGCMSInterfaceTransformConvertColorComponents

1 CMSTransformConvertComponents

1 CMSColorWorldConvertComponents

1 ConvertColorGeneric

1 CWMatchColors

1 CMM_MatchColors

1 GetCMMStorage

1 _CWColorWorldGetProperty

1 _CWColorWorldGetProperty

1 ripl_BltShade

1 argb32_shade

1 argb32_image_mark

1 argb32_image_mark

1 -[NSBezierPath addClip]

1 -[NSBezierPath(NSBezierPathDevicePrimitives) _doUserPathWithOp:inContext:]

1 CGContextMoveToPoint

1 CGContextMoveToPoint

1 -[GradientBackgroundView drawRect:]

1 +[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:green:blue:alpha:]

1 cachedColorForRGB

1 cachedColorForRGB

3 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

3 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

3 -[AvailabilityView drawRect:]

3 -[NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:]

3 -[NSCachedImageRep _drawFromRect:toRect:operation:alpha:compositing:flipped:ignoreContext:]

3 -[NSImageRep drawInRect:]

3 -[NSCachedImageRep draw]

3 -[NSCGImageRep draw]

3 -[NSCGImageRep drawInRect:]

3 CGContextDrawImage

3 ripc_DrawImage

3 ripc_RenderImage

3 ripl_BltImage

3 ripd_Mark

3 argb32_image

3 argb32_image_mark

3 argb32_sample_argb32

3 argb32_sample_argb32

1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

1 -[NSTabView drawRect:]

1 NSRectFill

1 CGContextFillRect

1 CGContextFillRects

1 ripc_DrawRects

1 ripc_Render

1 ripl_BltShape

1 ripd_Unlock

1 CGSDeviceUnlock

1 CGSBoundingShapeAdd

1 shape_accum_add_bounds

1 shape_accum_add_bounds

1 -[NSWindow flushWindow]

1 -[NSWindow isFlushWindowDisabled]

1 -[NSWindow _threadContext]

1 _runningOnAppKitThread

1 _CFRunLoop0

1 CFDictionaryGetValue

1 CFDictionaryGetValue

5 -[DownloadedView updateData:]

5 -[DownloadedView createNewHaveImage]

4 imageFromCGImageRef(CGImage*)

4 -[NSImage lockFocus]

4 -[NSCachedImageRep initWithSize:depth:separate:alpha:]

4 -[NSCachedImageRep _initWithSize:depth:separate:alpha:allowDeep:]

4 _NXAllocateImageCache

4 NewCacheWindowInfo

4 CreateWindowNamed

4 _NXCreateWindow

4 CGSNewWindow

4 CGSNewWindowWithOpaqueShape

3 CGSUpdateDebugOptions

3 _CGSGetDebugOptions

3 mach_msg

3 mach_msg_trap

3 mach_msg_trap

1 CGSOffsetRegion

1 __compare_and_swap32

1 __compare_and_swap32

1 createBitmap(unsigned long, __CFData const*)

1 CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB

1 CGColorSpaceCreateWithIndex

1 CGColorSpaceRetain

1 CFRetain

1 CFRetain

3 -[AvailabilityView updateData:]

3 -[AvailabilityView createNewAvailImage]

2 RenderColoredGraph(int, unsigned long, unsigned int (*)(void const*, unsigned int), void const*)

1 GetPieceColorAvail(void const*, unsigned int)

1 InterpolateColorFast(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

1 InterpolateColorFast(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

1 RenderColoredGraph(int, unsigned long, unsigned int (*)(void const*, unsigned int), void const*)

1 imageFromCGImageRef(CGImage*)

1 -[NSImage lockFocus]

1 -[NSCachedImageRep initWithSize:depth:separate:alpha:]

1 -[NSCachedImageRep _initWithSize:depth:separate:alpha:allowDeep:]

1 _NXAllocateImageCache

1 -[NSImageCacheView unlockFocus]

1 -[NSView unlockFocus]

1 -[NSFocusStack popTopView]

1 PSgrestore

1 +[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:]

1 -[NSObject release]

1 __CFDoExternRefOperation

1 CFBagRemoveValue

1 CFBagRemoveValue

2 -[MainWindowController updateUI:]

1 -[TorrentsDataSource updateData:]

1 GetDisplayValues(DisplayValues&, bool, bool)

1 TorrentFile::GetNumSeedsPeersCorrected(TorrentFile::SPS&, int)

1 TorrentFile::GetNumSeedsPeers(TorrentFile::SPS&, int)

1 TorrentFile::GetNumSeedsPeers(TorrentFile::SPS&, int)

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

16 __CFRunLoopDoObservers

16 _handleWindowNeedsDisplay

16 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded]

16 -[NSView displayIfNeeded]

16 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:]

16 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

16 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

15 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

14 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

14 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

11 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

6 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

6 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

5 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

5 -[NSTableView drawRect:]

3 -[NSOutlineView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:]

3 -[NSTableView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:]

3 -[NSTableView drawRow:clipRect:]

3 -[NSOutlineView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:]

3 -[NSTableView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:]

2 -[NSTableView preparedCellAtColumn:row:]

2 -[NSActionCell setObjectValue:]

1 -[NSCell setObjectValue:]

1 -[NSCell _setContents:]

1 -[TransferNameCellObject copyWithZone:]

1 -[NSObject copy]

1 -[NSImage copyWithZone:]

1 -[NSImage _expandJustEnoughToLoadRepProperties]

1 -[NSImage _expandRep:expandImageContentNow:]

1 getattrlist$UNIX2003

1 getattrlist$UNIX2003

1 -[NSControl currentEditor]

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:]

1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]

1 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen]

1 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]

1 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]

1 -[NSTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:]

1 -[NSTableView numberOfColumns]

1 -[NSTableView numberOfColumns]

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

1 -[NSControl drawRect:]

1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:]

1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]

1 _NSDrawTextCell

1 _NSStringDrawingCore

1 +[NSStringDrawingTextStorage _fastDrawString:attributes:length:inRect:graphicsContext:baselineRendering:usesFontLeading:usesScreenFont:typesetterBehavior:paragraphStyle:lineBreakMode:boundingRect:padding:scrollable:]

1 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances

1 draw_glyphs

1 ripc_DrawGlyphs

1 ripc_RenderGlyphs

1 ripl_BltGlyph

1 argb32_mark

1 CGSColorDeepMaskCopyARGB8888

1 CGSColorDeepMaskCopyARGB8888

3 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

3 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

3 -[NSControl drawRect:]

3 -[NSButtonCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]

3 -[NSButtonCell _configureAndDrawTitleWithRect:cellFrame:controlView:]

3 -[NSButtonCell drawTitle:withFrame:inView:]

3 -[NSAttributedString(NSStringDrawingExtension) _drawCenteredVerticallyInRect:scrollable:]

3 _NSStringDrawingCore

2 __NSCreateRenderingContextForAttributedString

2 -[NSSingleLineTypesetter createRenderingContextForCharacterRange:typesetterBehavior:usesScreenFonts:hasStrongRight:maximumWidth:]

1 -[NSATSTypesetter _layoutLineFragmentStartingWithGlyphAtIndex:characterIndex:atPoint:renderingContext:]

1 -[NSATSLineFragment layoutForStartingGlyphAtIndex:characterIndex:minPosition:maxPosition:lineFragmentRect:]

1 -[NSATSTypesetter _ctTypesetter]

1 -[NSATSGlyphStorage setGlyphRange:characterRange:]

1 -[NSATSGlyphStorage setGlyphRange:characterRange:]

1 -[NSATSTypesetter endParagraph]

1 -[NSATSGlyphStorage _invalidate]

1 CFArrayRemoveAllValues

1 __CFArrayReleaseValues

1 _CFRelease

1 szone_free

1 szone_free

1 -[NSLineFragmentRenderingContext drawAtPoint:inContext:]

1 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances

1 draw_glyphs

1 ripc_DrawGlyphs

1 ripc_RenderGlyphs

1 ripc_RenderGlyphs

1 -[NSConcreteMapTable objectForKey:]

1 probeGC

1 probeGC

1 -[NSView unlockFocus]

1 -[NSFocusStack unfocusView:]

1 -[NSFocusStack unfocusView:]

2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

1 CGSReleaseRegion

1 _CFRelease

1 regionFinalize

1 mem_heap_free

1 mem_heap_free

1 objc_msgSend

1 objc_msgSend

1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

1 -[NSGrayFrame drawRect:]

1 -[NSFrameView drawThemeContentFill:inView:]

1 -[NSGrayFrame drawWindowBackgroundRegion:]

1 _NSDrawThemeBackground

1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**)

1 CUIRenderer::DrawWindowFrameDark(CUIContext const*)

1 CGContextDrawImages

1 ripc_DrawImages

1 ripc_RenderImage

1 ripl_BltImage

1 ripd_Mark

1 argb32_image

1 argb32_mark

1 argb32_mark_pixelshape



1602 Thread_2603

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WaitForMessage(void*)

1602 mach_msg

1602 mach_msg_trap

1602 mach_msg_trap

1602 Thread_2703

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 __NSThread__main__

1602 -[NSThread main]

1602 +[bitTorrent main:]

1602 Startup(unsigned long, int, wchar_t const**)

1602 LApp::message_loop()

1602 GetMessage(LMessage*, MsgQ*, unsigned int, unsigned int)

1602 MsgQ::GetNextMessage(unsigned int)

1602 EventObject::WaitForSingleObject(unsigned int)

1602 pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 Thread_2803

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 DnsThread(void*)

1602 EventObject::WaitForSingleObject(unsigned int)

1602 pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 Thread_2903

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 IOThread(void*)

1602 EventObject::WaitForSingleObject(unsigned int)

1602 pthread_cond_timedwait$UNIX2003

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 Thread_2a03

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 NetworkThread(void*)

1602 Socket::NetworkEventLoop(ThreadSync*)

1595 kevent

1595 kevent

3 Socket::NetworkEventLoop(ThreadSync*)

2 Socket::NetworkPostTimers(long, unsigned int)

2 TorrentSession::BtTick(unsigned int, unsigned int)

1 TorrentFile::NetworkTick(unsigned int, unsigned int)

1 TorrentFile::NetworkTick(unsigned int, unsigned int)

1 TorrentFile::TryConnectMorePeers(int, int&)

1 TorrentFile::ConnectMorePeers(int, int&)

1 QuickSort(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int (*)(void const*, void const*))

1 compare_priority_and_cidr(TorrentPeer* const*, TorrentPeer* const*)

1 compare_priority_and_cidr(TorrentPeer* const*, TorrentPeer* const*)

1 Socket::select(unsigned int)

1 Socket::select(unsigned int)

1 UTP_CheckTimeouts(UDPSocketManager*)

1 UTP_CheckTimeouts(UDPSocketManager*)

1602 Thread_2b03

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 __NSThread__main__

1602 -[NSThread main]

1602 kevent

1602 kevent

1602 Thread_2c03

1602 thread_start

1602 _pthread_start

1602 fe_fragment_thread

1602 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003

1602 __semwait_signal

1602 __semwait_signal

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):

10 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]

8 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]

7 _pthread_start

7 thread_start

5 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]

5 objc_msgSend

Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):

__semwait_signal 6408

kevent 3197

mach_msg_trap 3171

objc_msgSend 5

Sample analysis of process 273 written to file /dev/stdout




I'm now getting my seeding ratio preferences auto-set to 1500:1 - yeah, right.

I removed my copy of uTorrent 0.9.2 and installed a new one and this was the value displayed when I opened it up under preferences>stop seeding at ratio [1500.00:1]. When I try to reset it in the preferences window, its hopped across to the window-frame drop-down menu as a ticked item. When I reset it there its hopped back into the preferences, like the elusive scarlet pimpernel, evading capture. Good game. But I don't think its supposed to do this.



I changed the port; same problem

I dumped the wrapper in the Mac bin and re-installed from the same disk image; same problem

I dumped the .dat files in the Mac bin and ran again; same problem

So I sat behind the firewall for half an hour repelling all boarders and it slowly counted down to a ratio of 0.8 in the window frame

This time when I started it again it didn't just keep counting up to crazy levels or re-imposing a 1500:1 seeding ratio


Oh, I changed my connections limit in preferences>bittorrent to: 60 global connections and 35 per torrent from the defaults as well.



Similar problem, but without the 1500.00:1 window hopping ratio setting. I found this in the sys.log:

SYS.log for seeding ratio counted up to 16.630 in uTorrent Wndow-Frame (24-09-09; 16:55, whilst seeding 4.8GB file)

Sep 24 16:57:30 uTorrent[37238]: An instance 0x264b50 of class MainWindowController is being deallocated while key value observers are still registered with it. Observation info is being leaked, and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info:\n<NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x2a9190> (\n<NSKeyValueObservance 0x299280: Observer: 0x22e1d0, Key path: sidebarMenuText, Options: <New: NO, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x257740, Property: 0x297b20>\n)


25-09-09: finished seeding this 4.8GB file now and window-frame seeding preference indication stabilised around 18.522, without the 1500.00:1 ratio setting bug appearing and hopping between windows as reported above. In the general window the line ratio indication on the UL/DL line reads correctly, as far as I can tell on current scaling levels. Because I'd already got the file this time it wasn't as bad a problem as the one reported above at 97% downloaded - from a users perspective.



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