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If paused and resumed- the automatic uploading stops completely.


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Hi friends,

thanks for a great software and concept.

I´m new to the torrent universe, and gratefully downloading all those forgoten 50´s west, sf and war films that brightened up my youth.

As instructed and compelled, I read FAQ´s and guides, look at the forums, and after a bit of tinkering with the configuration, I´m starting to get fairly decent U/D speeds (I think). But lately, If paused/interrupted and later resumed, the automatic uploading stops completely and only the dreaded infinity time sign remains. I have tried some twists and made some research to no avail.

A while ago, a new window opened and I was told that "Some other programs could be the cause of blocking". "Windows Frame Maker" and some other Windows curse that I dont remember, and gave me the option of desactive them. by rebooting Firefox.

I have tried it in diffferent ways, but nothing seems to work.

I have tried to delete the original torrent and create and use a new one, but it remains even unable to start uploading.

I´ll be very grateful for any ideas or suggentions.


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