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Better Default Skin Color Scheme Please


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The colors assinged to the default skin seem to be not sufficiently thought out. Ok, this is not a major issue but it would be nice for example to have the Start Download button the same color as the Downloading indicator in the left column, not the same color as Completed indicator in the left column, after all, if something is complete, why start downloading it? Etc., etc.

Thank you

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You misinterpret the buttons. There is no such thing as a "Start Download" button. There is a "Start" button, which starts/queue torrents that haven't reached the seeding goal. Starting a torrent can either start the torrent for download, start the torrent for seeding, or queue the torrent until it can actually start. There is not necessarily any reason to match colors when the correlation between the start button and a torrent job's status isn't even 1-1 to begin with.

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