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Re adding content from previous download


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Installed Utorrent 3.0 on Win7 about a week ago and downloaded about a half dozen movies. Worked like a champ. Then all of a sudden it stopped working. After some unsuccessful troubleshoot I did what any red blood nubbie would do. I uninstalled it and in the process of reinstalling a warning message popup from my anti-virus that the app wanted access to the internet but was being blocked. That was the problem all along. So, Utorrent is back up and running no problem.

The problem…. Utorrent does not recognize the ½ dozen movies I down loaded earlier. They are still on the hard drive. How do I add to my library list?

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Be sure you selected the containing folder where are stored your complete files. use the function Set Download Location and point to the correct folder. µT should force a recheck and resume.

You can do that by opening the .torrent with µT, when you see the "Add New Torrent" dialog box, you have the possibility to select the folder where are the files to resume.

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From what I gathered, when I uninstalled uTorrent it wiped out my .torrrent files. Thus I'm S@#$^% out of luck.

This link will take you to a pretty good post.... http://www.utorrent.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=63516

Keep in mind that "appdata" may be a hiddent folder... C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent

Excerpt below:

µTorrent by default uses two locations:

%programfiles%\utorrent to for the application itself

%appdata%\utorrent to store the settings

Those % symbols mean it's a system variable. It does not matter if it points to a folder somewhere under c:\users or c:\documents and settings or z:\windows\profiles or whatever. µTorrent just uses the system variable and windows will make it point to the right folder.

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