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Get utorrent to seed initially and auto add .torrents


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From where I'm sitting I need to manually create a new .torrent file in order for it to "link" to a file (i.e. a .avi) in order to start seeding without first looking for a file I already have.

Is it possible to have a .torrent file that has the same hash info, being that the .torrent file was created from this .avi file, and force utorrent to link this .torrent and the .avi instead of it trying to download it first?

Also, it will not auto add .torrent files from my /torrents folder even though I set that option.

From another topic I created: "Finally, I really need help with this. Normally I have to create a new torrent file using Transmission in order to "link" a .torrent file with another file, i.e. a .avi or .mkv. I can get uTorrent to automatically add files from a certain directory, which helps because I create .torrents automatically via a PHP script. But, how can uTorrent automatically check .torrents and link them to files already on my computer so that I can seed. These files are unique and I need to seed first, but uTorrent always wants to download first when the .mkv file is already downloaded and even in the same folder."


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it will not auto add .torrent files from my /torrents folder even though I set that option

You must use a directory for the dir_autoload setting that differs from the directory you are using for the torrent files associated with added torrents.

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