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Utorrent 2.0 advice...


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Howdy Ya'll !!

Recently, one of the sites I frequent black listed 2.0 yet it still works on other sites I frequent. I'm not tech savvy enough to know why or how but for some reason 2.0 masks a LOT of things from my ISP which means I can download way more than I'm allowed. Like I said, I have no clue what makes 2.0 different than other versions but it seems to work for me. I can download 1TB worth of "stuff" and my ISP only records say, 150GB or less. So now I'm in a position that I still use 2.0 for all my goodies but for this one site I DL daily from I have to use a different program.

Can anyone tell me or at least guesstimate what it is about 2.0 that works wonders for me that the other versions don't? Is there a version that works like 2.0 that I could use all around?

BTW, under Encryption Protocol I use FORCED and UNCHECKED Incoming Legacy Connections. That's what I think I've noticed it works with.

Thanks to all who reply as I appreciate the help.

Thanks for the welcome to this community!


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Shouldn't be anything different about it.

You should upgrade to V3 though, not 2.

As for hte site, sites that try to micromanage client versions, usually do so through ignorance. Drop the site, because odds are they're ignorant at other aspects too.

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I was hoping to get a lot more help from other than 1 out of 178 views but... ok. I won't be dropping the site as it's my number 1 source and mostly used site. I guess I'll just have to play with each and ever version of Utorrent to figure which one can duplicate 2.0.

Thanks for replying ktetch.


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They can all 'duplicate' it, since pretty much everything in 2 is in 3.

And if they're just arbitrarily banning clients, then you're best off away from them, as they're clearly clueless. So what if it's your favourite one, don't condone ignorance and stupidity, and 95% of torrent site content is available on multiple sites.

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