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(help request) run command when torrent changes state


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I would humbly request your help

I am trying to find a way to have Utorrent move the downloaded files after they reach 150% ratio to a different folder so i don't delete a download that hasn't yet reached that ratio.

So first in preferences\Queueing\seeding goal\minimum ratio(%): I put 150,

Then in Advanced\Run Program\Run this program when a torrent changes state: I "tried" putting

IF %S==11 (xcopy "%D" "C:\folder")

I'm actually a "noob" at programming so you can go ahead and "stone me", but i'm sure i did something wrong in that line of code since i "grabbed bits from here and there"

all the help i can get is Godsend, even if it's only a link leading to another thread that might be helpful.

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Ok for some reason if you try running

IF 5==5 KnownToWork.exe

from uTorrent nothing happens

so the solution is to place the comparison in a batch file and call the batch file

Try this:

Put this in uTorrents run program box, the qoutes are important:

"C:\path\to\file.bat" "%S" "%D"

Then write a batch file that reads:

rem To copy files after completing in uTorrent

rem use command line arguments %S %D

IF %1 == "11" (xcopy /E /Y %2 "C:\folder to copy to\")



// PAUSE allows you to see whats going on take it out after you get everything working

// option /E makes sure that everything in the directory is copied

// option /Y suppresses the overwrite prompt use with caution

Hope this helps.

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"OMG, people can actually get help here!"

It works ^_^

Thank you very much "TheNextBillGates"

I did some changes though :

on uTorrents run program box I putted this:

"D:\Utorrent\0\justcopy.bat" "%S" "%N"

And in the batch file (justcopy.bat) i putted this:

rem To copy files after completing in uTorrent

rem use command line arguments %S %N

IF %1 == "11" ( echo D |xcopy "D:\Utorrent"\%2 "D:\Utorrent\LZ\"%2 )


And it works!... like "burger and fries"

I used the %N (torrent title)parameters to help it deal with single files and also folders, and by adding the "echo D |" before the copy command it always chooses directory, creating a new folder with the torrent title as name.

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