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Adding torrent via command line will always pop-up uTorrent


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This use case is 100% producible so I'm not adding any logs. This is seen with many different versions of uTorrent (from 2.x to 3.x). Operating system Windows 7 64bit.

I'm trying to achieve this:


"/DIRECTORY "SAVE PATH" ".TORRENT FILE TO OPEN" allows you to open a .torrent file and specify where you'd like to save the torrent contents to from the command line (without any GUI interaction), "

Example use case:

1. You are watching movie with XBMC

2. Windows Task Scheduler executes uTorrent as: utorrent.exe /DIRECTORY "C:\Download" "ubuntu.torrent" (Task Scheduler configured to run as "only if user logged in")

3. Windows focus at XBMC is lost and uTorrent pops up in front of XBMC annoyingly. I would call this "GUI interaction".

I've tried:

- Configure Task Scheduler to execute uTorrent with /HIDE option

- Configure Task Scheduler to execute uTorrent with /MINIMIZED option

- Configure Task Scheduler to execute uTorrent with /HIDE and /MINIMIZED options

- uTorrent running in system tray

- uTorrent hidden with "Boss" key (same as /HIDE)

So far I haven't found a way to add torrent without GUI interaction.

There should be option to configure uTorrent so that you can "silently" add torrents via command line.

NOTE: If you configure Task Scheduler to execute utorrent.exe as "even if user is not logged in", a new instance of utorrent.exe is started (Windows 'taskiist' shows type of process as Service). This bug report is about running utorrent.exe as Console (Console meaning the desktop UI mode) not as background Service (which can be _only_ accessed by webui).

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