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utorrent corrupt even after re-install


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Hello Sir,

My bit torrent client utorrent was working fine till last month. As I have been using it for last 3 years on this system and a little over 5 years on whole. First sometimes when I exited the program it used to drop the ongoing downloads completely and I had to reload the .torrent files again. I over looked this issue and used to minimize the client rather than exiting it. And then suddenly I noticed that even after I exited the program it used to run in the background and access internet and continue the downloads so I had to stop the downloads then exit then stop the process in task manager. After that last week it got stuck on one 7gb and 1gb download re-check it doesn't complete the re-check 100% thereby completely halting the download. Before I could Figure out what is wrong a new problem cropped it. Whenever I start utorrent it completely slows down the system. I have to kill the process for task manager wait for a long duration of time for it to stop and to bring back the system to its normal state either I have to log off or restart explorer.exe. It is behaving like a malware by running multiple process in the background and accessing the internet. To solve the problem I have uninstalled and re-installed utorrent multiple times without any success. :(

My system Specifications:

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP 1

Intel Core i3 CPU M 350 @ 2.27GHz, 4.0GB RAM,

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

Thank you for your help in Advance.:)

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