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DISREGARD: PROBLEM SOLVED. speed test failure. help please?


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Hi. I have been using uTorrent for a long time now and i seem to be stumped as to what to do here

i just received a 2TB Seagate Hard Drive for Christmas, as i am out of room on my 1TB drive, which has also been acting odd lately. I transfer everything i want to over to the new drive, and go to start up uTorrent on the new drive, and when it starts, after resolving all conflicts related to having a drive with a different letter, i am not getting any incoming connections or outgoing. i uninstalled and did a new install with the latest version on the site, 3.2.3, and still got the same results.

i go to the start-up guide, and i try to run the speed tests, and i keep getting the same response "connection failed error: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connect and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was" and it cuts off there. i have also selected every selectable server that i can, from the two New York ones, which is close enough to where i live, all the way out to California, and even the European servers. i also have a "port is not open (you are still able to download)." error. even though i am using the same port from the previous install.

i currently have 65 torrents just sitting around and 1 more that i am trying to download.

i am running win7 64-bit pro service pack 1, with an i7 M620 processor, 4 gbs of ram, aforementioned Seagate hard drive, and an internal 320 gb drive. both of which have the latest versions of uTorrent on them

and thank you in advance to anyone that can help

EDIT: i have found the problem. never mind


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