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File Selection


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i don't know if this has/hasn't be recommended, but i think it is a very usefull feature to have. with file selection if you only need one rar from a release you just select that rar and that is that. with utorrent in its current state you must download the entire torrent, thus wasting people's bandwidth.

if you need a reference program that has these feature check out BitComet.


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Dude, you really need to search the forums. I'm probably doing a disservice by replying to you post, an FYI forum etiquite mandates that you use the search feature before you post.

And this feature is already present. All you need to do is add your torrent, then go to the 'Files' tab of the status screen (lower half of the window). Select the files you do not want to download and then right click and check "Don't Download"

The problem with this is that the bittorrent protocoll doesn't disseminate data chunks by file. So if a chunk is part of the next file. The file will get downloaded. So don't be suprised if the file you want is there and a bunch of extra files.

Again, use the magic forum search before wasting a thread.

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really, i am very sorry. i am normally quick about forum etiquite, but i thought as this is a new program they might not have this feature. i was so use to BitComets pre-prompt that i didn't stop to think that it might be in the program.

not to mention when i first opened the program i hid the detailed information section. :(


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Heh don't worry too much about it -- the devs are already planning on adding the "select files to download before you begin downloading" feature in a future version. In the mean time, you can just bear with µTorrent as it matures =]

I'm assuming I don't have to reply to your PM any more, right?

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  • 4 weeks later...
the devs are already planning on adding the "select files to download before you begin downloading" feature in a future version.

This is fantastic news for me ... i was using BitSpirit for a long time now and i've always foud very usefull this feature.

Great work and thanks for spending you time developing this nice piece of software ;)

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