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Stuck - Checked 0.0%.


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Okay, so I'm sure that there is another thread regarding this topic, but since I know little to nothing about torrenting, I thought I'd post my own. Move if it it's in the wrong place.

But to begin with, my boyfriend is the one who knows more about this than I do, but I just downloaded utorrent. I'm attempting to download a file that seems to be infinitely stuck at the status "Checked 0.0%".

I need help! He doesn't seem to understand it either. If you need information about anything, ask me and I will give it. Just speak in laymans terms, because I am slow when it comes to any of this. 8D

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Same problems here, and it's preventing me from starting about half the torrents I'm downloading.

A program gets a reputation as garbage very fast these days, and this has been going for several weeks now.

-- I wish they'd rip the guts out of uTorrent and re-work it all from 1.8. It's become increasingly bloated, sluggish and error-ridden ever since.

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Hi, a work around that seems to work for me is to stop all torrents, start them again then exit UTorrent - go to your AppData/Roaming folder under your user folder and delete all the .old files then restart UTorrent - all of my 6 downloads running now.

Hope this helps


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