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Minimal space on hard disk

Brian McGee

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Hello everybody, I just joined the community although it's months I consult the forum for my curiosities.

Now I need your help to administrate better my family-PC, a thing that I wasn't able to find since now... one of the users in my PC downloads too much with uTorrent with no care for the minial space to keep on the HD for all the rest of the users.

My question is: is there a setting which specificates the minimal space whom stops the downloads and don't allow the resume until the free space rises?

I tried to set the "diskio.resume_min" (Megabytes to be free on disk before torrent resumes) in the advanced settings, but without success: I found my PC with a bunch of MB of space, what can I try now?

thank you very much! (and forgive me for my english) ;)

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