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Unable to add torrent to list or locate it on list


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I am both unable to add or locate a torrent on my list in µTorrent 3.3.1 and need to know how to reolsve the issue so that I may add the torrent to the list and have it displayed.


I use "Add Torrent" the select a .torrent file.  The I recove the response "The torrent you are trying to add is already inb thge list of torrents. Do you want to load the trackerrs from it?"  I click yes and I do not see the torrent added to the list.  I attempt to locate the torrent from the existing ones on the list be examining the filelist on every one of them and I cannot find it.  I attempted to locate µTorrent's internal copy of the .torrent file byseraching %USER%/AppData/Roaming/uTorrent and could not find any readable file that resemble the .torrent file.

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OK.  I found the cause of the problem.  The resume.dat file was out of sync with the .torrent display.  The .torrent was removed from the display but the .torrent file was not physically deleted and that cause the error message.  I could not find any way to correct the issue from the client program.  i resorted to using bencode to remove the .torrent from resume.dat to get around the problem.

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