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Utorrent's unbelievably slow, please help!


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Hi guys I know you all must be sick of this question but I've been looking through guides etc. for the past couple of hours and I think I've only managed to end up with a slower download speed...

Basically i'm averaging 1kbps download speed just now, and I've been on speedtest a number of times to check and I'm averaging between 35 and 40 megabits per second... This is really weird because on my mac (which broke this morning) and tablet I've never had any problems like this, it's always been plain sailing. I've since tried both my mums and dads (where I'm posting from just now) and I can't believe how slowly it's all downloading. 

In case it matters I've only just installed Utorrent on both computers today so I don't know if newer versions of utorrent have problems ? Any help is hugely appreciated, thanks for reading.

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