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Speed test show 500/500, but upload low


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 Help me do settings to uTorrent 3.4.2(maybe in advance section...?)


My internet speed is 500/500Mbit/s(about 62MB/s)


PC i7-920, 24GB, SSD(Intel 160GB), some HDD with 7TB


For example:

I seeding 72 files, but olways only about 20(Newer was 72) is actyve seeding(send out bites)

Download is good

When I do download then upload is only about 0.1-1MB/s

When only do upload, then upload rice to 9-11MB/s

When I do for 16 files pause uplouding, left only about 4 files for uploud, then I get same uploud speed(9-10MB/s) as was at 20 files uplouding... :(

How I can get big(30-60MB/s) upload?

Any limit I do not use. Advanced mode is not modified.post-379891-0-34046700-1420024366_thumb.post-379891-0-85104600-1420024366_thumb.post-379891-0-47114600-1420024928_thumb.post-379891-0-00538400-1420024929_thumb.post-379891-0-98095500-1420025013_thumb.


Sorry for my English




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