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utorrent won't read an RSS feed


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I've been using utorrent to read RSS feeds and usually it works great, but I can't get it to read this one:


When I go to the "RSS Downloader" dialog box in utorrent and click on the "releases" tab, it doesn't show any releases from this RSS feed, even though I added it to the feed list. The feed isn't empty or anything either; I looked at it with Firefox and it's got a huge list of releases.

The only unusual thing about the feed that I can see is that it contains lots of Chinese and Japanese characters, but that shouldn't be an issue. From what I can see, utorrent has amazing foriegn language compatibility.

Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong? Thanks.

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Haha. I went to their website and the users there have no clue how to read the feed either. It looks like they made the feed recently and still haven't figured out how to do it right.

I'll tell them to fix it but I don't think it will help much. They probably won't listen to me since it's a Chinese site and the only languages I can write in are English and Japanese...

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Well, not only do they have everything in the wrong encoding, but they also used the wrong tags in the XML file. They use "record" instead of "item" and write "torrenturl=" instead of "enclosure url="

They're all messed up. But yeah, switching the site to unicode would be a nice first step.

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