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Wi-fi port forwarding


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Hello everyone! I would just like to know if there is any possiblity of resolving my NAT problem given that my ISP doesn't allow as of present portforwarding [i'm on wi-fi].

How about IP bouncing? One of my friends says that could be of help. Anyone got any ideas? I would gladly appreciate them since my utorrent indicator has never gone green since time immemorial.

Thanks in advance.

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"Unable to map UPnP port". Is it any different from port forwarding? How can I map it?


Seems I'm running out of luck. I'm living in the fringe and internet can only reach us through wireless--no phone lines, no cable connection, just wifi. T_T

...So guys?...

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hesd, I have the same problem as you (at home). Only possibility is wifi-ISP. No broadband cable possible.

I get a port forwarded correctly (as logging tab says), but also no incomming connections (network icon always gets red :/).

But utorrent also works, slow, but it works!

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