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uTorrent Files in Temp Folder, Possible to Change Location and Delete Them?


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uTorrent writes a lot of zero byte files into my %temp% folder. The files are named utt*.tmp, where * = a four character code (I think the characters amount to a hexadecimal number) e.g. uttFAE3.tmp


My questions regarding these files are:


1) What are these files for?


2) Is it possible for the user to force uTorrent to write these files to a location of the user's own choosing?


3) Is it okay to delete these files?

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I just found out a solution to my original post so thought to post it up here in case anyone else wants to have uTorrent create its temporary files in a location other then the system default "Temp" location.


1) What are these "utt*.tmp" files for?  (I still don't know the answer to this.)


3) Is it okay to delete these files? (By experiment I found that it is okay to delete these files once uTorrent has closed down.)


2) Is it possible for the user to force uTorrent to write these files to a location of the user's own choosing? Yes, it is possible but you need to launch uTorrent from a batch file using the following code (as example):

:: uTorrent Temp Files to Ramdisk.bat (Just a comment line, does not do anything.)set TEMP=X:\TEMPset TMP=X:\TMPstart "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\INTERNET\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe"exit

Obviously anyone doing this would need to adjust the paths to suit what they want on their own system. (Remember to include all the double-quote marks, they are very important.)


An important note to this is that redirecting the content of the TEMP and TMP folders to another location from this batch file only affects the files written by uTorrent - it does not globally redirect all TEMP/TMP files for all programs after the batch file is used to launch uTorrent. However, you should be aware that if the program you launched using the batch file calls other programs that write their own files into the system TEMP/TMP folders then those other called programs will now also write their temporary files into the locations that you specified in the batch file.


This is a very useful kind of batch file to know how to make for your system. Think of how many programs you may have that you would like to write their temporary files to another location. Just write a batch file to launch the program, create a shortcut to the batch file in your Start Menu and you're done - just use that shortcut to launch your program.


If anyone wants to toy around with this then there is a good for free ramdisk program available from SoftPerfect.


Hope this helps someone in the future. smile.png

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