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Everything posted by Kamilion

  1. Now that I've read this thread and understand the new behaviors, I like them. The new default download location is the system download folder; which has a default of %userprofile%\Downloads (for me on 7) I'm assuming the new linux builds will also be using the similar XDG paths -- /home/<username>/Downloads on ubuntu, for instance. (And please please please use the modern ~/.config/utorrent/ because folders like ~/.utorrent/ are ugly & deprecated!) If I don't have a download location set in the preferences, and both Directories->"Always show dialog on manual add" and UI Settings->"Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent" disabled, They're dumped in my profile download folder, which I don't want. (I boot 7 from a 32GB VHD file, as such I keep as much as possible out of my profile using Folder Redirection.) If I do have a default download location set, but neither tickbox is set, I get the behavior I wish; No dialog and dumped to H:\UserData\Downloads\ on the local 2TB drive. From there, ticking "Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent", and clicking a torrent in firefox does not have the behavior I expect: The torrent-contents selector dialog to show up with the H:\ path prepopulated. Instead, the file is silently added, but to the preselected H: path instead of the profile download folder, which I suppose is correct, just a bit odd. Alternatively, unticking that, and ticking "Always show dialog on manual add", and clicking a torrent has a different behavior: A destination path fileselector window is opened, with the *last selected path* prepopulated. (In my case, it was H:\UserData\Downloads\Ubuntu\10.04\) It is only when all three are enabled that I get the behavior I expected, the torrent-contents selector with the preselected default download path. While this is mostly understandable; it is confusing and requires the user to play with the options to discover the behavior they wish. I applaud the configurability, though, each option is useful in it's own way and will satisfy most users if they're properly informed of what they get from each option. Hope this verbose explanation of the behaviors helps others understand the relation of the options.
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