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Everything posted by DutchDude

  1. Well..... i didn't 'put' the read-only bit there.... and it was still downloading... makes me wonder ;-)
  2. After running 'attrib *.* -r /s' in the folder the problem disappeared (this command removes any read-only flags on files), allthough the download went significantly down, so it could still be a comby of things.... AV System Scanning has allways be running, as for desktops & indexing are never used on my system.... i hate those... Any way.... the problem went away as soon as the download speed went down and the file attributes were reset. No idea what the exact problem was, which brings me back to the logger.... can it be made in such a way that all errors are logged verbose, instead of not displaying anything or just being to vague ? Thnx, BTW.... still is the best client around... even with these minor problems........
  3. Well.... i sometimes speak to myself when i'm baffled about something As said in my edit: it seems it has nothing to do with local files. Currently i'm under the impression that when a tracker could not be contacted (update failed) the torrent is stopped.... in version 1.2.1 the download continues, but in version 1.2.2 the thing starts, downloads a few files/parts, then stopps with the given error. I noticed that the tracker timed-out.... so this leads me to believe that somehow the torrent is stopped if it fails to contact the tracker for updating....... (btw ... i have never maxed-out ... but currently this is the case, so perhaps it is somehow related to this problem occuring.... (actually 1 torrent is maxing out my download speed) edit:D%^&.... the problem now also occurs in 1.2.1, but it takes a bit longer..... [don't double post, use edit]
  4. I keep getting this error with 1 of the torrents. The problem is it doesn't specify what exactly is wrong. My best guess is that it fails to access a local file, but the torrent has so many files that i can't be sure which file is causing the torrent to stop. Even the 'logger' does not give out any additional info. Is it possible to change the program in such a way that at least the Logger tab ouputs more info regarding any errors that may occur (for example the filename) ? Is it possible to change the program's behaviour that when a file could not be accessed the file is set to a special status (hence ignoring the file) and keep the torrent downloading other files ? At this moment the torrent simply stops.... Again, i'm just guessing that there is a problem with 1 of the files...... there is no way for me to be sure that this is actually the case.
  5. Tool: My brain Satisfaction: My Family Interest: Anything that isn't addressed by the first 2
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