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Everything posted by chiangeg

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The vpn actually works for me. I'm from Portugal. My cable ISP is also applying traffic shaping/QoS (call it what you want). I think that the problem is the way the tracker connection is done (unencrypted, plain http). So, if we can avoid our ISP gateway, the ISP can not "see" the connection between our pc and tracker. This means that they can't see the ip list that tracker sends to us. They can't identify the IPs. When a connection is done to a ip that is seeding/downloading a torrent the ISP thinks it's a normal connection, not bittorrent. So the connection goes on without being throttled. Let me show you the how i do it: 1 - Connect to the VPN (we just need it to connect to the tracker and receive the peers list) when connected to the VPN, our predefined gateway is the vpn gateway. This means the communications between your PCs and the tracker is done through the vpn. The ISP can't see. They can't "blacklist" those ips given by the tracker. 2-In utorrent, Options | Preferences | net.outgoing_ip: put your IP, assigned by your ISP (if behind a router, i think that you must put your static/dhcp assigned internal ip address) This forces the peers connections to be made through your ISP and prevents them to be reseted when you disconnect the vpn. 3-utorrent, Options | Preferences | BitTorrent | IP/Hostname to report to tracker: also put here your IP assigned by your ISP. 4-Start your torrent. You'll be limited by the vpn bandwidth. Don't worry. 5-Disconnect from vpn. Now your default gateway is your ISP gateway. You can use your bandwidth. Hope this helps someone (if your isp is applying traffic shaping/QoS the way my isp does) sorry for my english -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exactly , you are to smart my torrent now getting full speed , i just put the ip address on the both place you said , i run the torrent and i connect to VPN , but no need to disconnect it .
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