29785 even won't install on Windows 8.1 Preview. Just like the previous one, 29780. "Unable to create crash logs". 29765 works well but without any information into tabs.
Build 29741 "Add Torrent" dialog is definitely suppressed. It's been made so securely that dialog won't appear back even if you tick "Don't start downloads automatically" box.
I didn't had any restart at all; uTorrent downloaded new .exe file and launch it as soon as I manually closed and restarted the program. OS: Windows 8 Pro x64.
Thanks for peers' state flags return;) But what does amount of peers in respective column like 1.333 or 0.222 stands for? And there's good ole error - "Windows Firewall: access denied" - that's corrected with single launching uTorrent with elevated privileges.
Are "ratio" and "rate" different things for you? As for seeding with uTP, it's very easy to define - enough to look what protocol your current leechers use. And every time you get 150% exceeding on 3.3 you may be sure - that's uTP leechers.
As defined at Queueing > Seeding Goal > Minimum ratio. Yes, you may say it's a minimum exactly. But in fact this option always worked as a real upload limiter in all versions before 3.3.
how do you mean? it is *not* being limited at all? When you are seeding and your peers connect to you through TCP, upload limit (150%, in my case) works well. Unlike the situation with μTP - then you may have upload rate 10 (1000%) and above.