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Everything posted by Azimutz

  1. Sorry ppk... i tested this a while ago and don't remember this combination working at the time, so i just went running through it this time and didn't tested it before posting, along with failing to mention my keyboard layout OPT + < (Alt + <) works fine for me too, on a Logitech pt_PT keyboard. Thanks for pointing it out
  2. Do you mean Command + OPT + < (Win + Alt + <)?... this works for me. Update: indeed, OPT + < also works
  3. This time not even clicking "Check for Updates..." offered me the update. Anyway, no major problems to report; just installed so, will give it some days of testing Thanks
  4. Manual check worked; automatic didn't... it's better then nothing p.s.: i think i have an issue; i've been trying to download this very poorly seeded torrent (3 seeds) for over a week; i added it via magnet link at the time, to check the location issue. Now i was looking at the client and decided to remove the torrent and add it via .torrent file, and i immediately get a connection. Tested it a couple of times and always no connection with magnet. Can this be related to the client?.. tested with 1.5.3/4.
  5. Thanks again for the attention; been a bit busy, thus the delay in returning answer... Ok... i'll keep an eye on it; been calm on those events in the past few days... Well, i'll have to think; was more seeking for an opinion. Just to be sure we are talking about the same.. i didn't meant "Tweaking the limits on a per torrent basis...", like each torrent with it's limit; i meant changing the "Per torrent limit:" on "Preferences --> BitTorrent --> Connections:"; i like to keep it low, specially when i'm seeding; when downloading i only raise it if necessary and usually i don't keep finished torrents seeding along; diff rules for diff activities It would be a button much like the existing ones for down/upload and ratio.
  6. Auto updates are currently turned off for this version because we wanted to see how stable it was for the few people that would download the latest version before we updated all of the beta users. The crash rate is somewhere around 14 crashes per thousand which is too high so we'll probably avoid turning on the autoupdate until we get a new beta build out with a few more bug fixes. Hopefully we'll have that up later on this week. Thanks for clearing it' date=' Theron. I was assuming some other problem The crash rate is very low on my setup (a hackintosh); can't remember a recent crash (or older, for that matter). About the "irregular" cpu load; is there any usefull feed back i can give to you guys? I mean, is sampling the process useful in this case? Also a request/suggestion: what do you guys think of adding a button (e.g. near the Seed Ratio one, on the statusbar) to easily set the "Per torrent limit" of connections? I would put it to good use i only raise that number, if a torrent with many seeders, doesn't connect me with a good seeder/s (which often happens), else i usually keep it limited to 10 or less. Sorry for the useless "login expiration" comment; i was grumpy due to exhaustion and had just woke up after falling asleep in front of the machine Just tested it working properly here; download was stored in the folder set on Preferences --> Directories.
  7. Well, first time around and i just lost an hour of my precious time writing a detailed feedback, just to lose it due to login session expiration :/ So, to go straight to the point: - 1.5.2 didn't offered the update to 1.5.3; i was aware of it through the topic subscription (rss). - cpu load is very irregular, constantly fluctuating between +- 10 & 30%, not to mention the times when it gets around 100% or more, as previously mentioned. Thanks and keep it up...
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