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Posts posted by mpqo

  1. What is that?

    [2012-07-10 18:59:19] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\zdnko\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat

    [2012-07-10 18:59:19] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\zdnko\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat.new

    [2012-07-10 18:59:19] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\zdnko\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat.old


  2. I have a serious problem with the last utorrent builds..

    When the application is active for a few minutes, any other connection times out.

    That includes DNS requests which results in Server not found errors so i don't have internet at all.

    However, uTorrent keeps downloading.

  3. And who says if was tested and verified to work on this "beta" OS? I think you ask too much of it or the devs... :/

    Excuse me please but I thought we are who test it on the full spectrum of available OS' date=' aren't we? And [b']rivilis's answer tells me that our bug is not so OS-dependent...

    OK, I excuse you... And no, we suppose to run it on the *supported* OSes. Others are on your own risk...

    And I didn't say it is not a bug, just that the conditions/settings for it to occur is not fully understood yet.

    I have the issue and im on Windows 7 x64.

    Its not related to windows 8.

  4. rafi
    When exactly ddoes it crash for you? When *adding* it ? downloading it ? when selecting just a few files ?

    If you need more details I do explain:

    1. I start new .torrent file by double click. Options window appears.

    2. I choose location for the file to download. File is single so no need to mark some parts.

    3. I press "OK" button. µTorrent shows a kiss-off square window with polite proposals to close/relaunch µTorrent or send crash dump to developers (usually I preferred the last one before proved that dumps couldn't be sent).

    That's it.


  5. Both adding the torrent and downloading - worked OK for me... :/

    The crash caused only when the confirmation window is active.

    If i disable the UI Options > Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent in advance mode the torrent works just fine and its a simple workaround until this crash is fixed :)

  6. after I installed the update of this 3.0 beta x64 25277

    my utorrent hanged(not responding), can somebody help me work this out????


    -- 2011-05-11: Version 3.0 beta (build 25277)

    This build is unstable, everytime i launch utorrent it hangs.

    To be more specific, the application crashes until resume.dat is deleted.

    The problem disappears when resume.dat is removed.

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